Keeping your cool during hot Texas summers can be a real challenge. If your air conditioning unit breaks down, a call to your Cypress air conditioning repair specialists should be your first instinct. For much of human history, however, the concept of air conditioning was unknown to most cultures. Handheld fans and shady nooks were the state of the art in staying cool for many centuries, long before Cypress air conditioning services became a reality. Here is a brief look at the evolution of air conditioning from ancient times to today.
Water-Cooled Walls
The decadence of ancient Rome is a matter of historical record. It is hardly surprising that this civilization was the first to use water pipes to cool interior areas. By linking into the Roman aqueduct system, wealthy families could direct cool water into the walls of their homes. While this was not an efficient way of cooling indoor air, it did reduce temperatures by a small amount inside these living spaces.
Importing Ice
In areas that were close to the mountains, it was sometimes possible to transport ice and snow to the homes of illustrious citizens and wealthy individuals for added cooling power. This was even more inefficient than the water-cooled wall method and was only available to the elite few.
Hand fans are thought to have originated in China three millennia ago. These convenient and portable air circulators represented the most practical solution for beating the heat. Emperor Xuanzong had water-powered rotary fans installed in the aptly named Cool Hall of his palace that employed evaporative techniques to lower the temperature in this part of the structure.
Wind Towers
During the medieval period, wind towers were a common feature in the Middle East. These architectural additions were designed to catch winds and breezes and redirect them into the interior of homes and businesses. When water-drenched pillars were added to these structures, a crude version of evaporative air conditioning resulted to create even greater cooling for the inside of these hot-weather homes and buildings.
Ice Makers
The first practical ice-making machine was invented by Dr. John Gorrie in the 1840s. Although Gorrie secured a patent for the device in 1851, he failed to find financial backing for his icemaker due to the death of his initial investment. The principles he used, however, are considered vital to the development of modern air conditioning systems.
The First Modern Air Conditioning System
In 1902, Willis Carrier is credited with the invention of modern air conditioning. By forcing air through a system of water-soaked coils, he was able to control humidity and reduce temperatures. His later invention of the centrifugal chiller led directly to the development of modern split systems still in use today.
Modern air conditioning systems can provide absolute climate control at a fraction of the cost of previous cooling methods. At Air Depot Cooling & Heating, we specialize in the most cost-effective and practical Cypress air conditioning services for our clients. Whether you need a Cypress air conditioning replacement or just a regular maintenance visit, we can provide you with the best services for your needs. Call us today! We look forward to helping you stay cool in the south Texas heat of summer.